Guess Who’s An Old Tart in the Garden?

Guess Who’s An Old Tart in the Garden?

Rhubarb is the answer.  This easy to grow, edible delight has been a source of early season food for our ancestors and our generation, sometimes while still eating the stalks of a plant that has lived a hundred years. Planted by the earliest pioneers as an early...
This Old Queen is Sitting on the Fence

This Old Queen is Sitting on the Fence

I’m talking about the Queen of flowering vines, the forever popular clematis.  Providing a few basic rules are followed, this plant is easy to grow and will provide enjoyment for years to come. Keep your head in the Sun, Keep your roots in the Shade:  Clematis likes...
Oh no! Is Your Lawn Sick With Lime Disease?

Oh no! Is Your Lawn Sick With Lime Disease?

Take a critical look at your lawn.  Does your lawn: Have patchy or bare spots even though you fertilize? Have a lot of weeds? Have moss growing in it? Chances are your lawn is suffering from a lack of lime. Grass grows best in a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.8...
Fertilize Now for the Best Results

Fertilize Now for the Best Results

Spring temperatures are beginning to rise and we’ll soon be reaching the magical temperature of 11 degrees C when plants begin to grow. Providing nutrition for the plants to use right now will help in growth, health and vigour throughout the year ahead. Granular...
Earth Day is Friday April 22, 2022

Earth Day is Friday April 22, 2022

Sustainability:  Meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Making our lives more sustainable may just be an answer to many of the problems in the world  today.  Rising prices, environmental issues, the...