Pruning fruit trees can make them stronger and healthier. It allows for better air flow and more sunlight and can result in more fruit.
Winter is the best time to prune because the trees are dormant. It is recommended to prune fruit trees annually. Always use sharp, clean tools when you are pruning.
Here are five fruit tree pruning tips:
- Overlapping branches: remove one so the light can get to the other.
- Prune vertically growing branches. Keep the horizontal growing branches as they are the ones that will provide fruit.
- prune approximately one-quarter of horizontally growing branches.
- Remove any diseased or broken branches and dispose of them away from the tree.
- Prune any branches that are touching the ground to deter pests.

Pruning Fruit Trees Graphic By Wilkes County Center NC State University, Bill Hanlin, JoAnne Gryder
Visit our garden centre for the tools you’ll need including pruners, loppers and sealing paste.
For more info on pruning:
Government of Canada Guide, Pruning Trees and Shrubs
University of Maryland Article, Why Prune Fruit Trees?
North Carolina State University Article, Why is it Important to prune fruit trees?