The end of summer doesn’t have to be the end of fresh herbs. Some herb plants, such as basil, parsley and rosemary, can be repotted and brought indoors.
Repot plants before bringing them inside. If you are digging them out of the ground, get as much of the roots as possible. Once they are in the new container, water well and leave them outside for a week or so to recover from transplanting.
Tips for repotting:
• Choose a slightly larger pot and be sure it is clean. When you re-use a pot clean it well, scrape off any mineral deposits, and soak it for at least 10 minutes in a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water.
• Water the plant while still in the old pot.
• Prepare the new clean pot by covering drainage holes with a porous material such as a coffee filter. Layer in the potting soil in the pot.
• Gently remove the watered plant and untangle the roots, removing any dead ones.
• Remove as much of the old soil as possible without damaging the roots.
• Place the plant in its new pot.
• Add new potting soil.
You can also take some simple steps to protect your perennial herb plants to overwinter outside. After a few hard freezes cut back the plants to about 4-6” above ground. Add a layer of shredded bark mulch on top of the plants for protection. The mulch will help prevent the ground from freezing and thawing and damaging roots.
We offer a number of specialty potting mixes such as Fafard’s organic Connaisseur mix which is recommended for containers. Looking for containers? We have a great selection in stock, from plain black plastic to ceramic and metal containers that look great indoors.