Garden Help: The Viburnum Beetle

Garden Help: The Viburnum Beetle

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Plants to Know and Grow: Boxwood

Plants to Know and Grow: Boxwood

Common box (Buxus sempervirens) is one of my favourite shrubs, both in my garden and also to use in designing. I’d never call it a showstopper, but it does give bones and structure to my landscape, even in winter. An evergreen known for its small rounded, cupped...
Plants to Know and Grow: the Marigold

Plants to Know and Grow: the Marigold

This time I’ve chosen a plant that is well used, often overlooked and has a lot of positive qualities that just may make it better appreciated: the marigold! The marigold has been making its appearance in the flower garden for a few hundred years and with good...

Fertilizer by the Numbers

The application of fertilizer in the vegetable beds, flower beds, around trees and shrubs and the lawn is a Spring tradition.  Properly used, fertilizer will give vigour to the growth, help with flower and fruit development and encourage resistance against disease and...
Hope is Growing!

Hope is Growing!

I can’t think of a better slogan for 2021 than the Hope is Growing competition held this year by Communities in Bloom.  The ever-present stress of living life through a pandemic has me eager to get into the garden more than ever before. The Communities in Bloom annual...