Veseys 2022 Catalogs Now Available at Kool Breeze Farms
Come on by for your free Veseys seed catalog!
Rose Mallow: A Perennial Hibiscus for Canadian Gardens
Easy to grow, disease and insect free, rose mallow is an exotic for our climate.
Plants to Know and Grow: Boxwood
Common box (Buxus sempervirens) is one of my favourite shrubs, both in my garden and also to use in designing.
Hope is Growing!
Plant Hope in 2021.
It’s Never Too Late to Add a Perennial
These perennials are long lasting, easy to grow and available to be planted now!
Garden Help: Cutworms
Is something eating your veggie seedlings? Cutworms may be the culprit.
Plants to Know and Grow: the Marigold
As a child, I used to sow African marigold seed directly into the garden, where it formed a two-foot hedge by August and flowered almost to November.
Lavender Love
An easy to grow, reliable and disease-free plant known to induce calmness and relaxation.
Garden Help: The Viburnum Beetle
The life cycle of the beetle is the primary reason it can wreak so much havoc and devastation.
Fertilizer by the Numbers
What do the numbers mean?
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